Saturday, April 4, 2015

What are the Factors Responsible for Changes in the Structure of Indian Rural Life?

The life of people in villages has experienced many changes. The factors are not very old but of recent origin. “The elements which have tended to dilute and even weaken old village solidarities and loyalties, like those which cement them, have developed out of the day-by-day life and living in local villages.”

Factors of Change

Many factors responsible for change can be studied under the following heads:
  1. Natural Factors: The factors conditioning place where the rural community exists are treated as natural factors. For instance, a village near a river bears the effects of rivers and similarly, the villages prospering in the lap of mountains are even close to the mountains are seen affected by the mountains. In a similar way, the social, economic, cultural, and religious life of the communities settled in bamboo forests bear the effects of bamboo in their life. Animals and cattle are employed in their natural places and in other places they are treated as strange creatures. Cottage industries developing in a particular region much depend upon the minerals available in that area. In a similar way, the mountains, rivers, animals, minerals, and vegetation around a village, are the natural factors that influence the life of people in the villages. Whenever there is a change in these natural factors, rural life around it also experiences change.
  2. Technological Factors: Man does not live only with, what nature has provided but a substantial part of it is created by him through various means. Technical assistance is taken by man to construct a favorable condition for him, much within the permission of the natural environment. The availability of electricity to the villages has altered many aspects of their life. The invention of the radio and other instruments has played a remarkable role in changing the lives of rural people. Ogburn points out those nearly 150 changes were brought into the way of rural life by the invention of the radio only. Installation of machines in the villages has changed the taste of the villagers towards their traditional and customary techniques and instruments, steam and electrical power is in no way lagging behind in creating a change in the life of the people. Technological changes have revolutionized the everyday life of rural people.
  3. Social Factors: In view of the changes taking around, many practices pertaining to social life have either been changed or faced threats to their very existence. British rule has influenced to a very great extent many social practices prevalent among the people living in rural India. These changes included the abolition of sati system, child marriages, regularization of marriage, and restoration of rights to women has brought an appreciable change in rural life. The effects of these changes are apparent in the better conditions of women, in society. In addition to these, many systems have lost their effect. These include a system of joint family, jajmani customs that have lost their place in the life of rural India. Caste panchayats are outdated now, and so is the rigidity in the caste feelings. Backward classes, hitherto treated as downtrodden are being looked after by the special machinery of government and new laws have been made to bring up scheduled caste and scheduled tribe people. There has been a tremendous decline in the influence of the caste system also. 
  4. Economic Factors: The increase in population has compelled rural folks to migrate to industrial and urban areas for their livelihood. Agriculture cannot employ and feed everyone and this urgency has been very well noticed which a quite clear from the pace of migration to urban areas. When the rural youth approaches an urban area, his way of thinking and living is influenced by urban life. This has affected not only the life of the people living in villages but also changed the existing values.
  5. Cultural Factors: Cultural life comprises the beliefs, assumptions, and taboos of a community. In India, village life is much influenced by religious contacts. Westernization has changed the attitude of village youth toward their ancient customs and values. In tribal areas, once the dominator dominated the life of tribal youth, but with the impact of westernization brought into by Christianity, the place of the dormitory is fading away from the tribal culture. Western beliefs in individualism and materialism have been accepted by the village youth. Because of these changes has been changing attitude of people regarding casteism, family, and marriage.
  6. Political Factors: Post-independence period has led to the politicization of village life. Now the villages have become the hub of political activities. Thus the various political forces like party activities, elections, and propaganda have caused changes in various communities living in rural areas. Now the rural people are much more aware of their rights and like the urban people the villagers also take part in political processes with a due sense of judgment.
The factors discussed above have been instrumental in introducing many changes in the life of the people in rural India. Many changes have been introduced many changes in the life of the people in rural India. Many changes have introduced healthy practices at the same time; some effects of westernization have set receiving effects on the quiet and calm life of the villages.

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