Sunday, April 26, 2015

Demerits of Joint Family System

The joint family system was praised for its many merits out it has also not less been vehemently denounced. The main defects that are pointed out against the system are the following:
  1. Home of Idlers: It is asserted that because of its joint share in food and shelter, joint family becomes the home for idlers and domes as the non-earning members do not want to work to earn their livelihood. The lazy become lazier at the expense of other member of the joint family.
  2. Encourages Litigation: The joint family system it is pointed out encourages litigation, for at the time of the partition of common property generally disputes crop up which are not settled generally without a recourse being taken to law. In case of agricultural families partition leads to fragmentation of holdings which is harmful from the view point of agricultural progress. Litigation regards the progress of the families who already are not in a sound financial position.
  3. More Quarrels: It is the hot bed of quarrels and bickering especially among the female members. There is also the clash of ideas and temperaments on account of which there are constant quarrels between the elder and younger members of the family.
  4. No Privacy: In a joint family privacy is denied to the newly-wed couples. They do not find a private place to share their views, because of joint family.
  5. Unfavorable for Individual Savings: It is not favorable to an appreciation in accumulation of capital. When one has to share one’s income with large family, it is not possible to save much. One feels discouraged in this circumstance to save.

Thus the joint family system has got both its strong followers and the agricultural families the systems still largely overcome. It is not doubtful that under the economic pressure the system is gradually breaking down. The expediency of time has brought radical modification in this form of family life and this system has given way to modern nuclear families.

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