Monday, April 27, 2015

Demerits of Caste System

  1. Obstructs Mobility to Labor: It has obstructed mobility of labor since under it the individual must follow the caste occupation and he cannot change it according to his likes or dislikes. This leads to complete immobility of labor.
  2. Practice of Untouchability: Caste system has led to the evil practice of untouchability. According to Mahatma Gandhi it is, “the hateful expression of caste.” Large sections of people are reduced to the virtual slavery because of this practice.
  3. Solidarity Hampered: Instead of promoting solidarity, caste system has led to the decay of solidarity and brotherhood in the Hindu society by rigidly separating one class from another and denying and type of social intercourse between them.
  4. Undermines Merits in Occupation: Under caste system, it often result in putting man in wrong occupation. There is no guarantee that a priest’s son would also like to be a priest or would possess the qualities for a successful priest. The caste system does not permit a person to take up any other profession even though he may possess the skill and liking for that. Thus this system put stumbling blocks in the way of merit.
  5. Hamper National Unity: Caste system is an obstacle to the growth of national unity in the country. The lower classes feel discontented at the behavior meted out to them in society. As G.S.Ghurye states, “It is spirit of caste patriotism which engenders opposition to other castes and creates an unhealthy atmosphere for the growth of national consciousness.”
  6. Retards Social Progress: Caste system is the greatest obstacle in the way of social progress and economic development of the county. Since the people believe in the theory of Karma, they become conservation and because their economic position is fixed, they are led to inertia killing their initiative and enterprise. It does not take care of one’s ability and potential.
  7. Undemocratic: It inculcates the feeling of superiority among the upper caste and thus seeks to undermine the process of democracy because it denies equal rights to all, irrespective of tier caste, creed or color. Social barriers are created in the way of people specially lower class individuals who are not given freedom in their mental and physical development and are not provided with opportunities for that. It is one this account that modern democracies have discouraged that caste division of society. Democracy is not only inconsistent with the caste division of society but is also opposed to it.
What should one say in conclusion of above discussion? Obviously, the conclusive fact is that caste system is more harmful that being beneficial. As James Bryce says, ‘Social structure is an important factor. Where men are divided by language, or by religion, or caste distinctions grouped on race or on occupation, there are grounds for mutual distrust and animosity which make it hard for them to act together or for each section to recognize equal rights in the other. Homogeneity, though it may not avert class wars helps each class of the community to understand the mind of others, and creates a general opinion in nation.”

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