Sunday, April 26, 2015

Conditions Favoring the Caste System

These are being explained below:

  1. Geographical Conditions: Geographical isolation has played a significant role in rendering our society static and powerless. In the absence ‘of adequate means of transport leads to the geographical isolation, from other, from people who inhabit distantly situated area and this fosters old customs, mores, traditions and superstition, all of which encourage the caste system.
  2. Static Society: Hindu society is not a dynamic society. There has always been absence of a stupendous variation ‘in its political situations and economic conditions. Its social mores, customs and traditions have failed to change over the ages as times have marched along. But this does not mean that Hindu society have failed to change over the ages as times have marched along. But this does not mean that Hindu society has never changed. When we say that it is static or motionless, we wish to indicate ‘the extremely slow rate at which variations and modifications are instituted in it. The static nature of society gave strength to the existence of cast system in our country.
  3. Foreign Invasions: Foreign aggression were also responsible for strengthening the continued existence of the caste system in India. It is commonly believed ‘that the caste system began in India when the Aryans invaded the country. They were fair skinned and victorious and natives of India were black. The victorious race considered itself superior to the victimized race and considered it below its dignity to associate itself and marry into letter. In this way, strict laws regarding conduct, diet, marriage, etc. were formulated. Slowly and gradually these became fundamental ingredients of caste system.
  4. Rural social Structure: In our country, historically speaking the social structure of the rural sector has remained unchanged. ‘Ancient traditions are better respected in it. As the rural structure weakens, or in other words as urbanization in the country increases, the caste also becomes progressively weaker.
  5. Religious Factors: Religion and religious practices have been the predominant factor in the condition of caste system in India. The Hindu caste system is looked upon as a divine institution. People who violate it are considered sinners and it is believed that God will punish them and because of this people lack the will to violate the laws of the caste system.
  6. Racial Differences: Multiplicity of races ‘leads to formulation of many strict laws concerning discrimination since each race endeavors to maintain its purity. In the medieval period of Indian history, stringent laws concerning caste were laid down to protect Hindu society from the Muslims. This also strengthened the continuation of caste system in India.
  7. Illiteracy: Education inculcates awareness. Mass illiteracy and absence of educational facilities have been one of the major factors favoring the caste system. It has experienced that an uneducated society is static and motionless. Superstitions, traditions and mores breed freely among uneducated people.

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