Sunday, March 15, 2015

Relationship between Rural Sociology and Political Science

Rural Sociology and political science are closely related subjects. Weinberg and Shabat say: “Political science is the study of the ways in which a society organizes and operates a state.” From this inter point political science appears to be sociology. The elements of rural health, education, religion, economic structure and organization, family system, etc. are constitutional rural sociology. In like manner, political institutions, associations, and organizations are the elements that constitute the subject matter of the science of state and government i.e. political science.

In political science studies the institution of Panchayat, various subsidiary Panchayat associations, District Board, Area Committee, etc. from the political viewpoint. The institutions constitute elements of rural society and rural sociology studies them from the social interpoint.

The approach of political science towards certain institutions entrusted with the task of rural administration and justice is narrow and limited to strictly political implications. Rural sociology attempts a board’s approach toward these institutions. And it is a matter of fact that it is impossible to study and understand the rural political institution in isolation from social institutions preventing. Therefore, knowledge of rural sociology is essential for a student of political science to understand fully the system of rural government and its administration. So, political science and sociology are closely interlinked branches of social science.

Besides the similarities between rural sociology discussed above, these are seeking differences between the two subjects. To a nation, whereas rural sociology studies political, social, religious, and cultural institutions, political science studies only political institutions. “in political science we should accept the facts of sociology”.

Relationship between Rural and Urban Sociology

The economic and topographic view of the society divides it into two groups or communities employed either in agriculture sector or industrial sector. There exists relative difference in the density of population. These two groups are rural and urban and that the former going is less dense and engaged primarily in agriculture as profession where the latter group is more dense and engaged basically in the industry. It is to be noted that the study of one group involves necessary reference to the other group. Therefore if one sets to study Rural Sociology, he can do so accurately, scientifically and usefully only if he is able to understand the differences of scope and aim of rural and urban sociology precisely and doubtlessly. Thus the relation of rural and urban sociology is factual. It is not possible to have one without the other. To put it more precisely fields of study are complementary to each other. It is rather impossible to study either of these, in complete isolation.

So, we can study rural sociology effectively only by drawing upon urban sociology and working in close cooperation with it. Their subject matter is interlinked and interdependent. In order to have a complete knowledge of the village life, one has to study urban life and vice versa. Since the distinguishing characteristics of rural society can only be brought into light by comparing and contrasting these peculiarities with the chief characteristics of the urban society. The village life is affected by the economic and social factors of urban society. It is not possible to understand either of these exclusively and in isolation. Therefore it is apt to say that “the studies of rural as well as urban sociology are possible only if both are there.” It is commonly agreed that no study of a society can be complete unless it takes into account the life of its people in the villages as well as those living in cities and towns. It is here two sociology. i.e. Rural and Urban become complementary to each other.

Relationship between Rural Sociology and Sociology

Rural sociology is a specialized branch of Sociology with scope of making extensive and intensive survey and investigation of the rural society. It is also an object of rural sociology to study the peculiar characteristics of rural society problems or rural people in the most micro-way’. Such a study cannot be expected in general sociology wherein the urban societies are also given equal weight age and coverage.

Rural sociology attempts an extensive as well as intensive investigation of the rural problems. In comparison to the urban societies, the rural society is much more complicated and vast. Though, it shares some common features with the urban society.

So vast is the scope of rural society its peculiarities and problems that it is not possible for the general sociology to do justice to all these aspects of rural society. It is rather impossible for the general sociology to fully investigate and explore the rural problems and the rural way of life.

To explain the manner in which the two disciplines differ and the way the peculiar problems  of these can be at most appropriately, touched by general sociology we may refer to the problems of ‘Slums’ and Hookah Club. The problem of slum is peculiar to cities and will be studied adequately by urban Sociology alone whereas ‘Hookah Club’ exists only in a village and this has no role to play in urban life. Both urban and rural society shares a common approach and adopts similar methods but there is sizable difference between the two.  As the subject matter is concerned both study social events, actions and organizations. But whereas sociology is indifferent to the geographic and environmental factors and tries to grasp the most general laws of social action and organization, the rural and urban sociologists study the same in their environment, that is, whether a problem or event occurs in rural or urban context. Furthermore, while the scope of rural sociology assimilate both rural and urban life and also extends far beyond. Thus, rural sociology is a specialized discipline of sociology; on the other hand, sociology is a general science.

In short, whereas there is a common approach of both the subjects of study when each pursues the subject matter; there is vast difference between their scopes.

Rural Sociology by Dr. G. Das

Importance of Rural Sociology

Major portion of Bangladesh is constituted of rural areas. Where, about eighty percent of the Bangladeshi people still live in the villages. The truth is that even the urban population is constituted by the migrating from the rural areas to the towns and cities and also many villages have grown into towns. Villages have been the fountain head of Bangladeshi culture; Bangladesh’s economy is predominately agricultural. In our country it is not possible to achieve a political ‘awakening without redeeming the rural population from its obscurity.

It is strongly felt that it is essential to understand and to act according to the laws prevailing in the village if the objective is to achieve is to achieve progress of the villages and in such a circumstance only the rural population be able to create the development plans of their own and offer their co-operation. This makes it essential to attempt a special study of the rural society. “In order to effect a desirable change in the rural institutions and communities, the laws introduced against their laws will be an imposition which will not be able to attain permanency. Without understanding the special features, qualities and defects of the rural religion and culture the village level workers will not be successful in effecting rural reconstruction.’ It is essential to study the attitude, customs and practices of the rural people.

The importance of rural sociology is far greater in Bangladesh. In the theoretical background of the plans devised the country’s progress the study of rural society is essential to achieve objectives and such a study will reveal the conditioning factors which govern the development, change and control of society. These factors will have to be kept in mind if the plans for the villages are to be successful.
The discussion leads to the stage which emphasis the urgent need to study the rural community in a comprehensive way. Following reasons put forward the highlight the importance of the study.

According to A. R. Desai, It is ‘urgently necessary to make scientific and systematic study of the rural society, of its economic foundation and social and cultural superstructure, of its institutions and their functions, of the problems arising from the rapid process of disintegration which is undergoing and which even threatens its breakdown.

  1. Bangladesh is a classic land of agriculture. Its long past history, its complex social organization and religious life, its varied cultural pattern, can hence be understood only if a proper study is made of the rise, growth crystallization and subsequent fossilization and breakup of the self-sufficient village community, the principal pivot of the Bangladesh society only till recently.
  2. Due to historical reasons, the existing Bangladesh rural society has become a veritable mosaic of various types of rural societies and hence reveals a diversified cultural pattern. The culture of the hunting and food gathering tribes; the culture of the primitive hoe-agriculturists; further, all the varied culture of people engaged in agrarian production with the plough and the bullock, as also the modern culture of a rural people influenced by new technical and economic forces-all these cultures are juxtaposed in the contemporary by the ideological currents of the rural humanity is also being influenced by the ideological currents of the rural humanity is also  being influenced by the ideological currents of the rural humanity is also being influenced by the ideological currents of the modern era. Consequently we find in the Bangladesh rural world today, the persistence of primitive cults of magic and animism, polyeism, pantheism of the ancient world, monotheism and other idealistic philosophic world outlooks inherited from the ancient medieval periods as also a minor current of modern rationalist world view. This has transformed it into a veritable museum of different and even conflicting cults and ideologies.
  3. The unique agrarian socioeconomic structure of Bangladesh experienced a decisive transformation as a result of the impact of the British conquest and rule. On the eve of the British conquest of Bangladesh. Bangladesh rural society was composed of a multitude of villages. Each village lived almost an independent, atomistic, self-sufficient social and economic existence. The village represented a closed society based on economic autarchy and social life governed by case and community rules.

Rural sociology by Dr. G. Das

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Scope of Rural Sociology

Rural sociology is comparatively a new branch of sociology. It is a science with its own characteristics standpoint and methods. Therefore, its scope should be clarified to distinguish it form other social sciences. In the words of N.L.Sims
“The field of rural sociology is the study of association among people living by or immediately depends upon agriculture. Open country and village groupings and groups behavior are its concern.” 
According to Lowry Nelson 
“The subject matter of rural sociology is the description and analysis of progress of various groups as they exist in the rural environment.” 
Thus the scope of rural sociology includes the study of all the social groups in the village. In the words of  Burtrand and associates, “in its broadest definition rural sociology is the study of human relationship in rural environment” thus, the scope of rural sociology includes all the social relationships in rural environments.

An analysis of the scope of rural sociology leads to the study of the following

  1. Rural Problems: The subject matter of rural sociology includes the problems of rural life, such as social, economic, political and cultural problems. These problems are studied in isolation as well as in relation to each other. In the former sense each problem is analyst separately and effort is made to arrive at some conclusion for its remedy. For the second viewpoint all the rural problems are taken as different aspects of one single problem. Sometimes this viewpoint leads to confusion since the problems are entangled into each other, therefore, in the integral standpoint towards rural social problems, it is necessary to remember similarities as well as distinctions. Some problems cannot be solved unless studied separately such as the rural problems of poverty, illiteracy, disease, low standard of life, inadequate housing, lack or recreation, traditionalism, religious superstition etc.
  2. Rural Social Life: Smith has rightly called rural sociology as the sociology of rural life. It aims at the study of rural social life. Rural social life includes rural people, rural population, rural environment, rural standard of living, rural vocations and rural economic conditions. Thus, rural sociology studies both enacted and developed rural social organizations.
  3. Rural Social Organization: The most important function of rural sociology is to provide knowledge concerning rural family organization. Rural social organization includes rural family, rural marriage, rural social stratification, rural education, rural administrative system, rural religious and cultural institutions and rural division of labor etc. thus; rural sociology studies both enacted and developed rural social organizations.
  4. Rural Institutions: Rural sociology includes the study of rural institution. Institutions are procedures of activities which are developed to fulfill a certain aim. Such institutions may be economic, political, social, religious or cultural. Rural sociology studies all these types of institutions in the context of rural society.
  5. Rural Community: In the words of Sanderson “A rural community consists of the social interaction of the people and their institutions in the local area in which, they live in dispersed farm-steads and in a hamlet or village which forms the center of their common activities”. Thus rural community includes all the general activities or rural people. Rural sociology studies the characteristics, forms and activities or rural community.
  6. Rural Social Structure: Social structure is the most important basis of social life therefore; rural social structure is the most important element in the scope of rural sociology. Thus, the rural sociologists concentrate on the analysis and the study of rural social structure.
  7. Rural Urban Contrast: As has been already pointed out, the village and city present two contrasting modes of community life. Rural sociology studies this rural urban contrast. In other words, it studies the fundamental distinctions between rural and urban culture and also their relationship. 

From the above discussion it is clear that rural sociology study with rural society under natural circumstances and conditions. It pay special attention to structural and functional aspects of village organization, family organization, class and caste structure, folk, art, dance and literature, folk culture and customs and traditions.

The Scope of Sociology

Although sociology is the youngest branch of social science, it is constantly changing and dynamic. And as a dynamic science, its subject ma...