Sunday, August 15, 2021

Definition of Educational Sociology

 The following definitions of educational sociology will make it easier to comprehend the nature, scope and importance of the subject:

According to Brown “Educational sociology is the study of the interaction of the individual and his cultural environment”. 

According to Carter “Educational sociology is the study of those phases of sociology that are of insignificance for educative processes, especially the study of those that point to valuable program of learning and control of learning processes”.

On the other hand, Ottoway says “Educational sociology starts with the assumption that education is an activity which goes on the society and the society in its turn determines the nature of education”

Value of the Sociology of Education

  1. Stress on Professional or Vocational Education: The sociological tendency lays stress on enabling the child to earn his livelihood through professional education.
  2. Opposition to Individualism: The sociological tendency was born out of reaction to individualism. It stresses the importance of society, as against the individual.
  3. Social Progress as the Aim of Education: Social welfare is the aim ascribed to education by the sociological tendency. Children should be trained only for this through a system of free and compulsory education. This should make them responsible members of society.
  4. Faith in Democracy: The sociological tendency also evinces faith in democracy. In a democracy, education is based on the cooperation between the state and society, and besides, the success of democracy depends upon the education of its members.
  5. Clarification of Social Problems: The sociological tendency clarifies social problems and suggests ways and means of solving them through education. Many social reforms can be brought about by education, and it can create an entirely new generation which may be free of the defects inherent in the older generation.
  6. Raising the Standard of Social Life: The sociological aim of education is to raise the standard of social life by achieving the child’s comprehensive development. Education must train the individual to fulfil his social responsibilities. It is fails to do this education cannot be said to have any utility.
  7. Importance to Social Sciences: The presence of the sociological tendency in education has led to greater importance being attached to the social sciences, so that the child can understand social phenomena and problems, and thus be enabled to make some positive contribution to social welfare. 
  8. Importance to Social life in the School: Social life within the school has been recognized as important because of the sociological tendency. It is now suggested that authorities should encourage the formation of committees which train the child for later social life.
  9. Education as an Agency of Social Progress: According to sociologists, education is the best means of social control, social change and thus, finally, of social progress. All social changes that may become necessary for social progress can be easily brought about through education. Social control becomes a measure of self-control through education because education socializes the individual. 

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