Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Social Importance and Changes in Villages

Social Importance of Villages

The Indian village plays an important part in our social setup. Most of the population of the country lives in villages. The villages are the indicators of social progress and advancement. Village help strengthens our social bounds and brings stability to our society in many ways. In the villages, violent changes are opposed and efforts are made to keep the old order intact. It is in the villages that real bonds of family and family life are realized. Customs and conventions are respected more in the village than in the cities. There is no rat race for earning more and more wealth. They are not as materialistic as the people in cities. They hold old values very dear. They preserve our culture and heritage. They love and worship nature and have firm faith in doctrines of karma, rebirth, etc. they are the strongholds of local self-Government, institution, and democracy. The Panchayats had their way in the villages before the British rule in India. These Panchatas are again revived.

Changes in the Villages

The village community is less susceptible to change. Changes are coming there but quite slowly. These changes can be seen particularly in the following spheres:
  1. Caste System: It is not so rigid now. The hold of caste has loosened. The caste system has now lost its traditional hold on the villages.
  2. Family System: Joint Family system is no longer the peculiar characteristic of the village community. Small family norms are being accepted. Family control over the members is not as strict now as it used to be in ancient days.
  3. Marriage System: Changes can also be noticed in the institution of marriage. Although inter-caste marriages are still rated now boys and girls are being consulted by the parents in matters of choice of life companions.
  4. Living Standards: The standards of living in the village community are gradually going higher. It is evident by the change in the mode of dress, diet, and other matters. Gold ornaments have replaced the old heavy silver ornaments. They now use soap for bath and washing purposes. The safety razors are used for shaving.
  5. Economic System: Changes have also come in the economic field. The educated youths seek jobs in the cities instead of setting on ancestral land. The Sahukara system is on the wane. The cooperative banks have taken the place of village mahajans.
Thus villages everywhere are at present passing through a transitional period. The relations, bounds, and tries have fallen into disfavor and they cannot be reinstated in their original form.

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